Structure formation in semiflexible polymer systems

Le 15 mai 2018
À 10h30

Vous êtes cordialement invités au séminaire de Jan KIERFELD (TU Dortmund, Physics Department) organisé par l'Institut Charles Sadron.

Présentation du séminaire :

"Semiflexible polymers and filaments play an important role in biological and chemical physics. Their material properties are governed by the bending rigidity, and the physics of semiflexible polymers becomes qualitatively different from the physics of synthetic flexible polymers when their bending energy dominates over conformational entropy. Prominent examples of semiflexible polymers are biopolymers such as DNA and cytoskeletal filaments. Starting from the statistical physics of single semiflexible polymers, I will discuss structure formation of interacting semiflexible polymers. Attractive interactions between filaments lead to the formation of bundle structures resembling cytoskeletal structures in the cell cortex. These bundle structures can exhibit foam-like properties. Crosslinked semiflexible polymers form elastic sheets with peculiar material properties. Finally, I will touch upon the mechanics of elastic capsules made from soft elastic sheets, in particular "elastometry" methods to characterize their material properties."

Les personnes souhaitant rencontrer Jan Kierfeld sont priées de prendre contact avec Wiebke Drenckhan (tel. 03 88 41 41 17 ou mail :

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