Chemistry professions

Chemical engineers work with ground-breaking technologies to enhance the quality of people's lives in areas such as environmental protection, the management of resources, and controlling health and safety.

Chemistry jobs are not only limited to research, there are 4 main ways to work with chemistry on a daily basis.

More than ever, chemistry is a sector of the future.


Film in French produced by France Chimie

ECPM Ingineers profile

ECPM engineers work mainly in research and development (55% of the graduates of the last five classes). In second place, they are equally employed as production engineers, consulting engineers and business engineers.

Most of them work in the chemical industry (chemicals, parachemistry, petrochemicals, plastics), but also in the agri-food, automotive, metallurgy and energy industries and, increasingly, in new sectors such as the eco-industries.

80% of graduates from the last 5 years have found a job in less than 6 months. 70% have a permanent contract. 40% work abroad.

Label du Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur EUR-ACE® system - European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Université franco-allemande Certification AFAQ - ISO 9001 IAR Label DD&RS
L'ECPM est membre de
Fédération Gay Lussac Alsace Tech - Grandes écoles d'ingénieurs, d'architecture et de management Conférence des Grandes Écoles CDEFI - Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs
L'ECPM est associée à
AICS - Association des Ingénieurs de Chimie Strasbourg