"Mercredis de l'ECPM" conferences
Present your company and your values during a "Mercredis de l’ECPM" conference
As part of our partnership relations, we organize a series of 4 lectures each year for our 1st and 2nd year students in the two engineering programs "Chemical Engineer" and "Chemistry", on Wednesday evenings between 5:30 and 7:00 pm
This conference will allow you to present your activities and your jobs to which our engineers will have access and thus to promote your culture and your values.
If you wish to participate, please contact our School-Company Relations Manager to organize your intervention in person or in distance learning at ECPM on one of the 4 dates reserved for the next academic year
Many companies had the opportunity to present themselves during a conference of the "Mercredis de l'ECPM" to promote their activities, their jobs and their values to ECPM student-engineers
DOW, SOPREMA, P&G, SAINT GOBAIN, MICHELIN, SOLVAY, L’OREAL, GIVAUDAN, ST Microelectronics, Bosch, Rhöm, CEA, LYNRED, CORDEN Pharma, Laboratoires LEHNING, MANE, SIEMENS, RENAULT, PolyDtech, DE DIETRICH, EVONIK, SERVIER, NYCO, BASF, WATERS, HENKEL, Bayer Crop Sciences, GreenPharma, ROCHE Diagnostics, FIRMENICH, SYNGENTA, UCB Pharma, TOTAL, Merck, Dupont de Nemours, DSM Nutritional Products, Air Liquide, NOVARTIS.