Joining ECPM within an exchange programme

ECPM has established a large number of exchange agreements with universities in Europe and around the world.

Apply for a Franco-German double-degree

The ECPM has signed cooperation agreements with the following universities:


These agreements all carry the label of excellence of the Université Franco-Allemande/deutsch-Französische Hochschule.

The ECPM and its German partners offer several integrated programs that allow students to obtain a French engineering degree and a German Master of Science. The combination of a classic "Master of Science" programme, mainly research-oriented, and a more generalist, business-oriented chemical engineering programme, enables students to acquire scientific, relational and intercultural skills that are highly sought after in the professional world.


>Semesters 5 to 8 at ECPM:

Like ECPM students, students from German universities enter ECPM in the first year of the engineering cycle. They follow the core courses in semesters 5 to 7 and choose a major in semester 8: molecular chemistry, analytical sciences, functional materials and nanosciences or polymer engineering.

>Semesters 9 to 10 at your home university:

Students from ECPM and German universities, who return to their home university, take scientific courses in semester 9 in Germany. Semester 10 is dedicated to the Master thesis or ‘Masterarbeit’.

Contact your home university to find out about the terms and conditions of exchanges and the timetable before contacting the International Relations Department to plan your mobility.

Apply for a French-Spanish double degree

The ECPM has cooperation agreements with the following universities:

Students from these universities enter ECPM in the 5th semester in the 7th semester, depending on the university.

Contact your home university to find out about the terms and conditions of exchanges and the timetable before contacting the International Relations Department to plan your mobility.

Apply for another exchange programme

The ECPM is involved in several international student exchange programs and welcomes students from the following universities


Universidad de Buenos Aires


Université du Québec à Montréal


University of Sherbrooke

Hong Kong

Baptist Hong-Kong University


Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai


Indian Institute of Technology Madras


Universita degli studi di Salerno


Kanazawa University


Osaka Prefecture University


Nanyang Technological University

Contact your home university to find out about the terms and conditions of exchanges and the timetable before contacting the International Relations Department to organize your mobility.

Apply for an Erasmus+ mobility for studies or for an internship on our labs

You are currently pursuing your studies and would like to spend one or two semesters at ECPM. Please contact your home university to find out about the terms of exchange and the timetable before contacting the International Relations Department to plan your mobility.

Label du Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur EUR-ACE® system - European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Université franco-allemande Certification AFAQ - ISO 9001 IAR Label DD&RS
L'ECPM est membre de
Fédération Gay Lussac Alsace Tech - Grandes écoles d'ingénieurs, d'architecture et de management Conférence des Grandes Écoles CDEFI - Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs
L'ECPM est associée à
AICS - Association des Ingénieurs de Chimie Strasbourg