Special industrial mission lab sessions 2021-2022
Members of the Sol'Vents d'Anges team: Aboul Ghani Ahmad, Balasingham Ajith, Borowiec Lucie, Dietsch Aurore, Fiault Mathis, Gnoni Laurie, Huck Solène, Kurek Camille
[Special industrial mission lab sessions] Objective achieved for the "Les sol'vents d'anges" team! The work aimed at recycling solvents used in practical organic chemistry work has already made it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by 50%, i.e. 1 tonne/year, with short-term prospects of reaching 90%. Each year, 400 liters of acetone (at least) will no longer be consumed. The TPs will thus be able to invest to continue reducing their CO2 emissions. This is a fine example of co-construction within the ECPM, since the students have been able to benefit from the pedagogical support of their teachers as well as the technical support of the TP staff, all committed to building a sustainable ECPM. We would also like to thank the ECPM alumni who shared their professional expertise with the students: Marek Dovcik and Quentin Tizon from ECOSTOPA, specialists in life cycle analysis, and Laurent Carmona from SPEICHIM PROCESSING, specialists in the regeneration of industrial solvents by contract distillation. This work opens up highly motivating prospects with regard to ECPM's commitment to training chemical engineers who are aware of environmental and climate issues and who will therefore be involved in the chemical industry's transition.