" Self-assembly of linear-dendritic and double-dendritic block copolymers: from dendromicelles to dendrimersomes "

Le 26 mars 2019
À 10h30
Amphithéâtre Henri Benoît à l’ICS

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la conférence "Self-assembly of linear-dendritic and double-dendritic block copolymers: from dendromicelles to dendrimersomes", de Oleg Borisov, Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-Chimie pour l’Environnement et les Matériaux, Pau, France, organisé par l’Institut Charles Sadron


We propose a general theoretical framework that enables us to describe self-assembling behaviour of hybrid macromolecules comprising dendritically-branched and linear blocks in selective solvents. Structural properties of resulting nano-assemblies are predicted as a function of intramolecular solvophilic/solvophobic balance and molecular architecture of the blocks. In particular, we demonstrate that macromolecules with highly branched solvophilic blocks exhibit a stronger trend to assemble into spherical micellar-like aggregates as compared to their linear chain homologs. The diagram of morphological states of the solution nanostructures comprising ranges of thermodynamic stability of spherical and cylindrical micelle-like aggregates and polymersomes is constructed and its systematic evolution as a function of degree of branching of soluble bock is analysed. We demonstrate that increasing degree of branching of solvophilic block leads to stabilization of spherical aggregates as compared to cylindrical or lamellar-like ones. At the same time, the number of functionalizable terminal groups exposed to the surrounding media increases only weakly upon increasing branching degree of the soluble block due to simultaneous decrease in the aggregation number. This theoretical predictions provides important guide lines for design of vector systems for targeted delivery of biologicaly active molecules (e.g. anticancer drugs).

Pour rencontrer le conférencier, veuillez prendre contact avec avec Albert Johner , tél. 03 88 41 40 59 ou mail albert.johner@ics-cnrs.unistra.fr


Label du Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur EUR-ACE® system - European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Université franco-allemande Certification AFAQ - ISO 9001 IAR Label DD&RS
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