Clay physics

Le 26 juin 2018
À 10h30

Vous êtes cordialement invités à la conférence de Jon Otto FOSSUM, Department of Physics NTNU Trondheim, Norway, organisée par l'ICS.

Résumé :

In this talk, we will first give a very condensed introduction to the kind of basic soft and complex matter physics one can encounter in clays, by giving some illustrating highlights from our own and other group's scientific activities in this area. In particular we will discuss: (i) self-assembly (guided by external fields such as magnetic, electric, gravitational, flow) phenomena as they manifest themselves in clay based systems, and (ii) molecular (e.g. H2O, CO2, drug-molecules)
interactions with clay particles..Secondly we will briefly discuss some known present and some maybe not so known possibly future “technologies” based on clay or clayey materials science.

Les personnes souhaitant rencontrer Jon Otto Fossum sont priées de prendre contact avec Albert Johner (tel. 03 88 41 40 59 ou mail :

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