Student-Company Projects

Student-Company Projects

Each year, nearly 200 ECPM student-engineers contribute their scientific knowledge, project management skills and innovation faculties to your development through two types of student-company project :

Industrial Missions

Innovative solutions to industrial challenges

The main objective of the ECPM Industrial Missions is to help businesses to innovate in overcoming technical and technological barriers in the fields of chemistry and materials science. The industrial mission is part of the "Design and innovate collectively" teaching module.

Teams of 6 to 8 ECPM students will analyse your industrial issue, write a letter of undertaking, define and plan the tasks to perform, draft functional specifications and look for solution concepts and select the most appropriate for your issue.

The issues analyzed by the students can derive from any department within your company: production, quality control, research, development, purchasing, etc, and cover a large range of areas related to chemistry, such as cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, the environment, energy, textiles, food processing, plastics, etc.

All of this work, which prioritizes multidisciplinary approaches, is conducted in close collaboration with your teams. Regular meetings are organised at the ECPM, at your office or remotely.

ECPM's Industrial Mission can address a wide range of topics in chemistry, sustainable development, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, covering all the technical issues you face.

Time period: 6 months – from the middle of September to the middle of March

Duration: 450 to 500 work hours, including 7 collaborative work sessions


  • technical mentoring by your team
  • scientific mentoring by a University professor/researcher
  • managerial mentoring by a professional 

Evaluation: intermediate pedagogical reports, technical report and oral presentation

Examples of subjects:

  • Definition of a method for measuring the hygrometry of chemical products
  • Benchmarking and selection of recycling methods for chemical compounds (plastics, solvents, metallurgical waste)
  • Definition of a dosage procedure in an industrial project and selection of the appropriate equipment
  • Selection of coating products to enhance the characteristics of fabrics
  • Design of electrolytic deposition equipment
  • Research of methods for recycling of chemical compounds (plastics, solvents, metallurgical waste)
  • Preliminary design / specifications of biological production process
  • Feasibility study of biosensors concepts
  • Study of the biomass degradability/conversion by bacteria
  • Research and selection of bio-based materials

RDI projects - Research Microprojects

A bibliographical summary of latest developments of a scientific issue

Managed by groups of 2 to 3 students, RDI projects (research microprojects) introduce students from several specializations of the engineering cycle to technical and scientific challenges in the form of bibliographical research.

The student engineers monitor technological developments, analyse patents and benchmark innovative processes on a scientific subject to demonstrate the unexplored, explored or even developed alternatives. Using exhaustive analyses of publications, research plans may be drafted to launch your own developments.

All of this work is done in close collaboration with your teams. Regular meetings are organised at the ECPM, at your office or remotely.

Practical work (chemical formulation, analysis…) cannot be carried out during the RDI project.

Time period:  from mid-September to mid-January

Duration: 160 to 200 work hours, including 8 collaborative work sessions


  • technical mentoring by your team
  • scientific mentoring by a University professor/researcher
  • managerial mentoring by a professional 

Evaluation: written report and oral presentation

Examples of subjects:

  • Solutions for PFAS capture in water
  • Cationic chromatography of metals in lithium-ion batteries
  • Methods for monitoring roads condition
  • State of the art on BPA-free epoxy resins
  • Application of Bayesian optimisation to process development
  • Replacement of titanium dioxide in pharmaceutical products
Label du Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur EUR-ACE® system - European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Université franco-allemande Certification AFAQ - ISO 9001 IAR Label DD&RS
L'ECPM est membre de
Fédération Gay Lussac Alsace Tech - Grandes écoles d'ingénieurs, d'architecture et de management Conférence des Grandes Écoles CDEFI - Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs
L'ECPM est associée à
AICS - Association des Ingénieurs de Chimie Strasbourg