
The International Integrated Preparatory Cycle (Chem.I.St)

Formations ingénieurThe CPI is open to holders of a Scientific Baccalaureate, as well as to international students who have an equivalent secondary school diploma. It prepares students, over 2 years, for admission to one of the 20 French engineering schools in chemistry and chemical engineering that make up the Gay-Lussac Federation.

The ECPM Engineering Programme

The ECPM's mission is to transform students over a three-year programme into trilingual chemists equipped with the practical training required by the chemical industries, and in particular the fields of health, the environment, sustainable development, energy and emerging materials.

The programme offers a solid basis with practical skills in human, social and economic sciences (HSES), languages, molecular chemistry, analytical sciences, polymer engineering, functional materials and nanosciences.

After graduation our engineers work in Research, Development and Innovation, and are well prepared for their future industrial and economic environments, both national and international.

The ChemBioTech Engineering Programme

This unique engineering program (50% chemistry, 50% biotechnology) created by the Strasbourg School of Biotechnology (ESBS) and ECPM aims to train engineers with dual skills in chemistry and fundamental and applied biotechnology.

The Industrial ecology of polymer materials (ChemPlast) apprenticeship program

This engineering course in chemistry and processes for a circular economy in plastic materials was created by ECPM in partnership with Polyvia Formation. A three-year apprenticeship enables the student engineer to implement a strategy for the design, development and/or recycling of plastics, based on skills in chemistry.

Label du Ministère de l'enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l'innovation CTI - Commission des Titres d'Ingénieur EUR-ACE® system - European Accreditation of Engineering Programmes Université franco-allemande Certification AFAQ - ISO 9001 IAR Label DD&RS
L'ECPM est membre de
Fédération Gay Lussac Alsace Tech - Grandes écoles d'ingénieurs, d'architecture et de management Conférence des Grandes Écoles CDEFI - Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d'Ingénieurs
L'ECPM est associée à
AICS - Association des Ingénieurs de Chimie Strasbourg